About the Series:More bang for your buck! "... a fast-food, high-energy fix on the topic at hand."
The New York Times Book Review About the editor:Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel.
About the photographer:Deidi von Schaewen, who has lived in Paris for thirty years, is a contributor to a range of international periodicals and a filmmaker, and has published numerous books. Her publications with TASCHEN include
Indian Interiors, Fantasy Worlds, Gardens of Provence, and
Inside Africa.
African Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane / Schaewen, Deidi von
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-3917-1
$ 9.99

This rich, elegant picture book plunges into the heart of Africa via its stunning interiors, bringing together a wide selection of inspirational dwellings. You’ll find the best examples of African interior decoration from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo.
Bamboo Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
McLane, Daisann / Guntli, Reto
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-4967-5
$ 9.99

Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia.
Buenos Aires Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Moure, Celeste / Guntli, Reto
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8365-0194-1
$ 9.99
Immerse yourself completely in the look and feel of Buenos Aires living with this vivid and wide-ranging selection of photos, from cityscapes and exteriors to interiors and details. In sumptuous, full-page photos, the beautiful polo grounds of the region’s most famous estancia, the
Benquerencia, are contrasted with views of a vast selection of homes both traditional and unusual, such as the eclectic apartment of artist
Gustavo Godoy, decorated floor to ceiling with colorful antiques and religious paraphernalia. Also pictured are mainstays of Argentinean life and culture such as churascos (barbecue stands) and the much loved tango.
Greece Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane / Stoeltie, René
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-4018-4
$ 9.99
Discover the best of Greece’s hidden treats in this lovely book of mythical homes. Packed cover to cover with traditional interiors throughout the country and its islands, Greece Style perfectly captures a wide range of variations on the classic blue and white-dominated palette that characterizes the architecture of Odysseus’s homeland.
Mexico Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane / Stoeltie, René
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-4014-6
$ 9.99
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican décor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style.
Morocco Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-3463-3
$ 9.99

This eclectic selection of homes demonstrates all that is most wonderful about Moroccan living. Flipping through these pages of fairy tale interiors, exteriors, and details, (ideally whilst sipping a steaming cup of sweet, fragrant mint tea) you`ll be instantly transported.
New York Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane / McLane, Daisann
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-2466-5
$ 9.99
Beginning with archive images of the Big Apple over the past century and blooming with gorgeous photos of the city`s most beautiful and unique interiors, this book explores the real New York inside and out. From high-rise luxury condos with stunning views to industrial lofts, art collectors` pads, and eccentric, funky apartments, the interiors featured here—in colorful full-page photos—are as amazing and diverse as New Yorkers themselves.
Paris Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane / Schaewen, Deidi von
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-1438-3
$ 9.99
A century ago, Eugène Atget roamed the streets of Paris, photographing the city inside and out. Bringing together his splendid, romantic portraits of authentic Old Paris with photographs of contemporary interiors, this compilation explores the city from opposite ends of the 20th century, revealing its enduring characteristics and distinctive style.
Provence Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-1639-4
$ 9.99

Traverse a wordless cross-section of Provence images, each as lovely as one would imagine in one`s dreams, together painting a vivid mosaic of Provençal living.
Safari Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane / Schaewen, Deidi von
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-3852-5
$ 9.99

Immerse yourself in the safari experience without leaving the confines of your home! This splendidly illustrated book features photographs of safari animals as well as romantic terraces with views, airy interiors decorated with natural materials and artifacts, and more—the very best of Africa`s most beautiful lodges, homes, and guesthouses.
Seaside Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Dorrans Saeks, Diane
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-1204-4
$ 9.99

"We would like to take you with this book on a journey to some of the most beautiful and purest places on the globe. Skies are cerulean blue. Follow us as we set sail for distant, dreamy shores."
Diane Dorrans Saeks
Sweden Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Reiter, Christiane
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-4016-0
$ 9.99A smörgåsbord of Swedish interiors
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors.
Tokyo Style
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
McLane, Daisann / Guntli, Reto
Flexicover 5.5 x 7.7 in., 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8228-1006-4
$ 9.99
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea—why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages?
Highlights include:
• Plastic House by Kengo Kuma
• Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat
• Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh
Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange
All available on